First Game Development Ideas


3 min read

I have made a few games and I thought about game ideas on what kind of games people can get started with in game development. So I came with a list of game ideas if anybody is struggling think of what to create.


Before we get to the list, the general guideline is to not create anything too big or difficult. Start very very small. Some people go into game development with ideas of creating an amazing adventure RPG, FPS, etc. game, but it's impossible for a first game.

Very very small means:

  • a game with a simple function (i.e. moving a paddle, guess a number, etc.)
  • a game that is familiar to most people, especially to you
  • a game with very few features. Adding too much will lead to scope creep and you'll not finish
  • you can complete the project within a day or two. Essentially, you want to get this to be a simple exercise of completing a game from start to finish
  • Ideally does not involve graphics greater than using blocks and/or circles.

More advice

I wish I could find that reddit article that an experienced dev wrote. Two great things I got:

  • take a small part of the games you enjoy and create that. For example, a triple-A title that has 10 characters, instead focus on creating a game similar to the one character you liked (author mentioned Final Fantasy Tactics).
  • If you want to build one big game, split it up into multiple small games and then once you've built them, work on your one big game.

However stick to the list until you get more comfortable.

The list

I categorized the games by levels to somewhat gauge the difficulty of creating the game. I suppose it's a good way to gauge how big of a project you want to get into. Or a way to progress up.

Level 0

  • Number guess
  • Hangman
  • Tic-tac-toe
  • Slide Puzzle

Level 1

  • Pong
  • Bricks/Arkanoid
  • Dodging game
  • Flappybird
  • Duckhunt/Fruit Ninja
  • Cookie Clicker (Idle game)

Level 2

  • Space Invader
  • Frogger
  • Bomberman
  • Missile Command

Level 3

  • Asteroids
  • Platformer (Super Mario, Kirby)
  • Tetris